It is likely that you have considered working abroad (or already have). We are, after all, living in an era wherein Millennials have caught the very infectious travel bug. You want to explore intimately rather than just visiting a country for a short period of time on an organized tour. Perhaps you want to experience […]
Why I ran away to Mexico City and you should too!
It was 4am in the airport and all I could smell was rain in the air. Thunder echoed all around me, welcoming me to my new home with great claps clattering around the sky. With great apprehension I was here. I had done it I had relocated to Mexico City. Now Mexico City often gets a […]
6 Reasons Why You Should Travel More! – Part 2
Makes you versatile If you are asking that what does traveling do for a person, then this reason is for you. As you keep on working same things in your daily life you sort of fall in a routine and before you realize you have already adjusted to same routine activities. But while […]
6 Reasons Why You Should Travel More! – Part 1
By the The Sassy Stuff In our school days, we hardly paid attention to all the useless stuff teachers taught in geography classes like population of a region, temperature of a country, staple diet of a region, forests of a region and so on. Had we known that same boring stuff printed in text books would […]
4 things you should expect when travelling
You’ll experience new things and you will be pushed out of your comfort zone. This is kind of a non brainer and is often the reason why people want to go travelling in the first place. But sometimes you will feel so out of your comfort zone that things you couldn’t stand before you left […]